Expert-led training for your team
Angular training course

6 January 2018

Developers improve Web Skills with Angular training course

This organisation wanted to level up developers' expertise in modern web development.

Some of the delegates were seasoned programmers with years of experience and some were juniors starting their career. The thing that was in common for them was a desire to learn current state-of-the-art frontend technologies. 

Angular framework and its ecosystem was great choice for them. It is a complementary solution for corporate projects with all the necessary tooling.

During 3 intensive days delegates learnt Angular fundamentals, advanced techniques and underlying philosophy.

Provided with necessary theory on day one students had started hands-on exercises. The goal was to build real-world application, what is extremely beneficial while learning new technology. Together we went through a journey of building advanced application with in-memory database mocking REST backend.

Angular CLI was used extensively to generate more and more building-blocks of the application. As we were adding new components and services we learnt how to properly structure and architecture the application.

Delegates got their hands "dirty" with Angular Modules, Components and Templates, learnt Routing and Lazy Loading.

An interesting part was the paradigm shift while discovering RxJS and Observables with reactive programming. Those tools, when acquired, are powerful tools in hands of web developers. Angular Material was used across whole project what really pleased delegates.

Advanced features of ECMAScript 6 and TypeScript also contributed to taking their programming toolbox the the next level.

Find out more about our angular trainng courses


About the author: gRAHAM Smith
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