Expert-led training for your team

L & D and Graduates

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Graduate Programmes

Programmes designed especially for your company will help ensure that your Graduate intake receive a highly focused start to their career. Programmes can run over 2-6 weeks and contain a variety of sessions to fully equip them for "real" work. 

Similar programmes are also available to help re-skill existing staff during organisational mergers, and our training programmes can help add a positive direction at a difficult time.

Our instructors have experience in delivering  such programmes for some of the world's largest organisations, and we will be pleased to discuss options for your organisation.

Software Engineering Programmes

Programmes designed especially for your company will help ensure that your current employees and any new intakes are brought up-to-scratch in terms of their technical skills which may be required for future projects.

This can help you create a more uniform resource pool or create areas of expertise, depending on your company's preferences.

As well as helping your company, these programmes are well received by employees, as investment in their skills is always welcome.

Our instructors have experience in delivering  such programmes for some of the world's largest organisations, and we will be pleased to discuss options for your organisation.

Example of a 4-5 week Programme for software developers

Basics of OO (1 day)

  • Objects and classes
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Interfaces and components

Good Practices (3 days)

  • Design patterns
  • Unit testing and TDD
  • Source control (using svn for preference)
  • Continuous integration

Agile Development (1 day)

  • basics of Agile and Scrum

Java Track (5-15 days)

  • Java Intro
  • Spring Boot and Microservices
  • Kotlin
  • DevOps Containers and Cloud
  • AWS & GCP
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

Data Analytics Track (5-15 days

  • Python
  • Python Libraries including Pandas
  • Machine Learning and AI
  • Tableau
  • Power BI

Microsoft Track (5-10 days)

  • .NET Programming with C#
  • overview of .NET
  • C# language basics
  • ASP.NET Core

Agile Developer

  • The role of a Developer within an Agile software delivery environment
  • Agile software development techniques to successfully deliver project iterations
  • Continuous Integration (CI) and Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Tools and techniques for estimating the development of user stories (e.g. Atlassian Jira)
  • solution design & architecture, requirements refinement, estimating, testing and coding
  • Practical ‘pair programming’ techniques


To enquire about a customised (or "off the shelf") programme for your company please ask for an "info pack"

Get Info Pack

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

[email protected]


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JB International Training Ltd  -  Company number 08458005

Registered address Wohl Enterprise Hub 2B Redbourne Avenue London N3 2BS


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