Expert-led training for your team

Tableau training course

Produce visually compelling, intuitive Dashboards & presentations of your corporate data with Tableau - Gain priceless insights into your data

JBI training course London UK

"Great training, well structured. This enables me to better understand how Tableau works and improve the data analysis for the company.  The trainer was interesting and provided strong , easy to understand explanations to any questions we had."

HG, HR Data Analyst, Tableau, May 2021

Public Courses

23/09/24 - 2 days
£1150 +VAT
04/11/24 - 2 days
£1150 +VAT
16/12/24 - 2 days
£1150 +VAT

Customised Courses

* Train a team
* Tailor content
* Flex dates
From £1200 / day
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JBI training course London UK

  • Gain an introduction to Tableau
  • Extract business intelligence by adding value to your data
  • Produce visually compelling and intuitive dashboards and presentations of your corporate data
  • Explore the flexible and easy-to-use tools to find, clean, model and visualise data
  • Create interactive visualisations to deliver business insights
  • Integrate data from multiple heterogeneous sources
  • Generate Tableau maps for geographical data
  • Share a story using dashboards to highlight your discoveries

What Is Tableau?

  • The Tableau Ecosystem
    • Tableau Desktop
    • Tableau Server / Tableau Online
    • Tableau Prep Builder
    • Tableau Mobile
    • Tableau Reader
    • Tableau Public
  • The Tableau Licensing Model
    • Creator / Explorer / Viewer
  • Tableau Desktop Overview

How Do I Get Started?

  • A generic Tableau workflow
  • What makes up a Visualisation?

How Do I Connect To Data?

  • Connecting to Tableau Server / Data Files / Databases
  • Using “Live” data connections
  • Creating reusable data sources
  • Connecting multiple data sources via relationships
  • Data pre-processing
    • Data typing, aliasing, splitting fields, reshaping
  • Previewing a dataset
  • Creating data extracts

How Can I Explore My Data?

  • Creating Visualisations
    • Dimensions and Measures
    • Columns, Rows, Pages, Filters and Marks
  • Filtering Dimensions, Measures and Dates
  • Exposing filters to introduce interactivity
  • Sorting data in views

How Do I Organise My Data?

  • Organising data fields by Data Source Table or via Folders
  • Combining multiple members within a dimension to create a Group
  • Ordering data fields to create Hierarchies

How Does Tableau Deal With Dates?

  • Native Date Hierarchy
  • Discrete vs Continuous Dates
  • Creating Custom Dates

How Do I Compare Multiple Values?

  • Using the Measure Names / Measure Values containers
  • Multiple measures on the same axis via combined or shared axis charts
  • Two individual measures axes via dual axis charts with separate mark types
  • Scatter (XY) Plots with or without aggregation
  • Using Mark Types (colour, shape) to represent values

How Can I Show Geographic Data?

  • Using specific or calculated geographies to create maps
  • Customising map background styles and options
  • Map navigation and selection
  • Geographic grouping and custom territories

How Can I Produce Tabular Reports?

  • Creating Crosstab Reports
  • Customising Crosstab Reports with totals and aggregations
  • Improving Crosstabs with visual elements
    • Heat Maps
    • Highlight Tables

How Do I Make Calculations On My Data?

  • Creating Calculated Fields
  • Using the Calculated Field Editor
  • Working with Aggregations and understanding Tableau’s Order of Operations
  • Types of Calculations
    • String, Date, Logic, Type Conversion

What About Comparative Calculations?

  • Tableau’s built-in Table Calculations
    • Running Total, Difference, Percent Difference, Percent of Total, Moving Average

How Can I Show Proportional Data?

  • Stacked Bar Charts
  • Pie Charts
  • Tree Maps

How Can I Add Reference Data?

  • Adding context with Reference Lines
  • Highlighting regions with Reference Bands and Distributions

How Do I Combine My Analyses?

  • Creating Dashboards from one or more visualisations
  • Adding interactivity via Dashboard Actions
JBI training course London UK


Business Analysts, Financial Analysts, Data Scientists and Staff who need to use Tableau for producing reports from Excel, SQL Server and other databases.

Learn to build Dashboards like this - Typically used for CFO Dashboards, Revenue & Profitability, Expense Management, Financial Planning & Analysis, Sales, Stock Control, Risk & Compliance Analysis...


5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Great training, well structured. This enables me to better understand how Tableau works and improve the data analysis for the company.  The trainer was interesting and provided strong , easy to understand explanations to any questions we had."

HG, HR Data Analyst, Tableau, May 2021

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK
Top 20 "Pain Points" for Data Analysts

Problem 11 : You have a very complex Excel spreadsheet and you want to reproduce EXACTLY the same spreadsheet in Power BI
Solution: Power BI is not Excel, it works differently and it has different strengths. In order to tackle this issue the best way is going back to the source and try to...

All 20 points are in our latest Newsletter - Delivered directly to your inbox

Our Tableau training course shows data analysts how to get the most from this flexible and easy-to-use package. It will enable you to find, clean, model and visualise data, and to share discoveries and collaborate in intuitive new ways.

This course will walk you through the basics of the product, demonstrating functionality and letting you get hands-on.  You will learn to use this powerful tool to help you transform your rows of data into a compelling interactive visual story.

The technology provides significant value to users through its interactive, user-friendly and comprehensible interface. As Christian Chabot, the CEO of Tableau, put it: 

“Customers are turning to Tableau for fast, agile, visual analytics that provide people with the ability to ask and answer their own questions." 

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+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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