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Typescript - Beyond the Basics training course

Make your React apps more stable, readable and manageable

JBI training course London UK

"A very useful course and although a little fast for me I got out what I need and have a very strong conceptual understanding. Type declarations and  generics were particularly useful. Thanks to Matt who was awesome in his knowledge and patient with his students."

 TC, Database Architect, Typescript advanced, May 2021

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JBI training course London UK

  • Introduction to TypeScript - Installation - Configuration - Compiling Typescript
  • Basic Types
  • claration Merging - Functions and Literal Types
  • Tuples, Enums, Classes and Generics
  • Further Typing
  • Classes
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Modules and Namespaces
  • Generics
  • Working with TypeScript
  • Configuration and project structure
  • Async Patterns in TS
  • ES2015-2020 TypeScript features
  • Type Declarations
  • Advanced Type

A short Typescript debugging video from Typescript training course: 

 Introduction to TypeScript

- Installation
- Configuration
- Compiling Typescript

  • Installation and plain usage

  • Project Setup

  • Testing

  • Babel integration

  • Babel two-step compile

  • Compiler options and optimisations

  • Linting config

  • Upgrade paths

- Basic Types

  • String, Number and Array types

  • Null and Undefined

  • Any, Never, Unknown, Void

  • Enums

  • Objects

- Declaration Merging
- Functions and Literal Types

  • Interfaces vs. Literal Types

  • Required, optional and readonly

  • Function Overloading

- Unions and Intersection Types

  • Building types with Unions

  • Unions vs. Enums

  • Extending types with intersections

- Tuples, Enums, Classes and Generics

Tuples (TS 4.0 only)

  • Labeled

  • Variadic

Further Typing

  • Type Guards

  • Index & Mapped Types

  • Conditional Types

  • The typeof Operator

  • Usage of typeof in React state management

  • Usage of instanceof

  • Nullable types and optional chaining (Elvis Operator)


  • Public, private and protected members

  • Practical Limitations of JavaScript

  • Implements and extends

  • Accessors

  • Static properties

  • Abstract classes

  • Tips and Tricks

Modules and Namespaces

  • Modules

  • Namespaces


  • Generic functions

  • Generics in a constructor signature

•    Declaration files
•    Interacting with external libraries
•    Definitely typed
•    Creating declarations
•    Testing Strategies
•    ES6 topics - as requested

•    Polymorphism, overloading and Inference

Utility Types and helpful keywords
•    Partial
•    Record
•    Pick
•    Omit
•    Exclude
•    Extract

Working with TypeScript

  • TypeScript in JavaScript projects

  • Migration from JS to TS

  • Project configuration TsConfig.json

  • Unit Testing with TypeScript and Jest

  • Mocking and stubbing with types

Configuration and project structure

  • Modules and Module Resolution

  • Namespaces and Modules

  • Module interoperability

  • React / JSX features in TypeScript

  • Usage with Webpack

  • Source Maps and Declaration files

  • Strict options and strict mode

  • Decorators and metadata

Async Patterns in TS

  • - Callbacks, Promises

  • - Async Await

  • - Iterators and Generators

ES2015-2020 TypeScript features

  • Classes and inheritance in ES vs TS

  • Functional programming patterns

  • Multi-Inheritance and mixins

  • Spread, destructuring and inference

  • Optional Chaining

  • Nullish Coalescing

  • short-circuit assignment operators

Type Declarations

  • Ambient types

  • Declarations files

  • DefinitelyTyped, types and type roots

  • References, Triple-Slash Directives

  • Type Compatibility

Advanced Types

  • Type Guards, type assertions and Differentiating Types

  • User-Defined Type Guards

  • Using the in, typeof and instanceof operators

  • Nullable types vs optional parameters and properties

  • Interfaces vs. Type Aliases

  • Enum Member Types

  • Polymorphic this types

  • Index types and index signatures

  • Mapped types and Inference from mapped types

  • Unknown, Any, Never

  • Conditional Types


JBI training course London UK

The course assumes delegates already have a good working knowledge of Javascript and that they also have some exposure to Typescript.

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"A very useful course and although a little fast for me I got out what I need and have a very strong conceptual understanding. Type declarations and  generics were particularly useful. Thanks to Matt who was awesome in his knowledge and patient with his students."

 TC, Database Architect, Typescript advanced, May 2021

Watch live client feedback from jbi training courses

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK
Top 20 "Pain Points" for Data Analysts

Problem 11 : You have a very complex Excel spreadsheet and you want to reproduce EXACTLY the same spreadsheet in Power BI
Solution: Power BI is not Excel, it works differently and it has different strengths. In order to tackle this issue the best way is going back to the source and try to...

All 20 points are in our latest Newsletter - Delivered directly to your inbox

The course assumes delegates already have a good working knowledge of Javascript and that they also have some exposure to Typescript.

We aim to recap on the basics and move on to cover best practice in using Typescript on a day-to-day basis.

TypeScript is JavaScript plus optional strong typing. This course treats TypeScript as it was meant to be treated, as a JavaScript augmentation, rather than an attempt to fix a broken language. We will look at practical migration pathways, and understand how you can use it to increase your velocity in complex projects, without abandoning the core principles that make JavaScript great.

If required, we will cover Object-Oriented and Functional topics and will see how TypeScript can help us be faster, more productive, and more accurate in a variety of code forms.

This is a practical course and we will be writing code throughout. Taught segments will be interspersed with freeform exercises and Q&A.

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