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Power Automate training course

Integrate with other applications or services by means of connectors

JBI training course London UK

"Well structured, easy to understand, good pace and really helpful explanation for Flow training. The trainer was great, went through everything thoroughly and was able to answer everything with great knowledge."

OD, Data Insight Analyst, Power Automate, May 2021

A short video from Flows in Power Automate Training Course. 

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JBI training course London UK

1.    Power Automate creation via a Solution
2.    Basic Flow training
3.    Flow Types
4.    Flow Triggers
5.    CDS Connector for Flow
6.    CDS Environment Variables in a Flow
7.    Expressions and Dynamic Content
8.    Clipboard Flow Steps
9.    Controls
10.    Data Operations
11.    Connectors
12.    Custom Connectors
13.    Testing Flows
14.    Deploy Flows between Environments (solutions)
15.    Troubleshooting Flows

A short video from Flows in Power Automate Training Course

Power Automate creation via a Solution

1.    Power Automate creation via a Solution

2.    Basic Flow training

1.    Rename a Flow
2.    Flow Owners
3.    Run History
4.    Edit Connections
5.    Templates
6.    Turn On/Off
7.    Sharing

3.    Flow Types

1.    Automated
2.    Instant
3.    Scheduled
4.    UI Flow
5.    Biz Proc

4.    Flow Triggers

1.    CDS Triggers
2.    Recurrence Triggers
3.    HTTP/WebHook
4.    Service Bus

5.    CDS Connector for Flow

1.    Create
2.    Update
3.    Delete
4.    Get
5.    List

6.    CDS Environment Variables in a Flow

7.    Expressions and Dynamic Content

1.    Common Expressions
2.    Concatenating strings
3.    Parsing data types
4.    DateTime operations
5.    Truncating long strings

8.    Clipboard Flow Steps

9.    Controls

1.    Variables
2.    Conditions/Switch
3.    Loops
4.    Scopes
5.    Composing

10.    Data Operations

1.    Compose
2.    CSV Table
3.    Parse JSon
4.    Select
5.    HTML Table
6.    Join
7.    Filter
8.    Send Email

11.    Connectors

1.    Teams
2.    Exchange
3.    Email
4.    SharePoint
5.    Onedrive

12.    Custom Connectors

1.    How to add custom connectors (Swagger)
2.    Azure Functions

13.    Testing Flows

1.    Flow Checker
2.    View Run History

14.    Deploy Flows between Environments (solutions)

15.    Troubleshooting Flows

1.    View the exception detail
2.    Understanding the CDS connector errors

JBI training course London UK

Business Analysts, Financial Analysts, Data Scientists and Staff who need to use Power BI for producing reports from Excel, SQL Server and other databases.

Learn to build Dashboards like this - Typically used for CFO Dashboards, Revenue & Profitability, Expense Management, Financial Planning & Analysis, Sales, Stock Control, Risk & Compliance Analysis...

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Well structured, easy to understand, good pace and really helpful explanation for Flow training. The trainer was great, went through everything thoroughly and was able to answer everything with great knowledge."

OD, Data Insight Analyst, Power Automate, May 2021

A short video from Flows in Power Automate Training Course. 

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022

JBI training course London UK
Top 20 "Pain Points" for Data Analysts

Problem 11 : You have a very complex Excel spreadsheet and you want to reproduce EXACTLY the same spreadsheet in Power BI
Solution: Power BI is not Excel, it works differently and it has different strengths. In order to tackle this issue the best way is going back to the source and try to...

All 20 points are in our latest Newsletter - Delivered directly to your inbox

Our Microsoft Power Automate training allows you to learn how to integrate with other applications or services by means of connectors. ... In this way data is “moved” from one application to another. Share and access data. With the help of connectors data is easily moved from one application to another.

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