Expert-led training for your team

WCF training course

Create secure & effective Web Services With Visual Studio WCF

JBI training course London UK

"I found the course very interesting and the content was tailored to our company, to maximise the learning experience and help our day to day use. The trainer was passionate about the course and carried a good pace throughout the day."

TD, Program Analyst, WCF, February 2021

Public Courses

28/10/24 - 3 days
£1495 +VAT
09/12/24 - 3 days
£1495 +VAT
20/01/25 - 3 days
£1495 +VAT

Customised Courses

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From £1200 / day
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JBI training course London UK


  • Windows Communication Foundation Architecture
  • Understand what a Service Oriented Architecture is
  • Understand Endpoints (Addresses, Bindings, Contracts)
  • Create Web Services
  • Create Service Clients
  • Use diagnostics tools (Message Logging and Tracing)
  • Understand Security Considerations
  • Understand Routing
  • Create REST Services using Web API

Introduction to WCF

  • Overview of SOA
  • WCF architecture
  • Services
  • Endpoints (Address, Binding and Contract)
  • Hosting
  • Metadata exchange
  • Configuration
  • Implementing and consuming a service

Defining Service Contracts

  • Mapping operations to methods
  • Overloading operations
  • Using inheritance
  • Best practices
  • Querying contracts
  • Message contracts
  • Implementing catch-all contracts

Defining Data Contracts

  • What is a data contract?
  • Serialization issues
  • Using data contract attributes
  • Versioning data contracts
  • Using data sets and tables
  • Using collections and generics

Defining Endpoints and Behaviors

  • Defining multiple endpoints
  • Adding behaviors to services and endpoints
  • Calling non-WCF services
  • Managing service instances (per-call, per-session and singleton)
  • Throttling calls

Managing Operations and Concurrency

  • Overview of message exchange patterns (MEPs)
  • Defining synchronous request-reply operations
  • Defining one-way operations
  • Defining asynchronous call-back operations
  • New call-back option of Task-Asynchronous Pattern (PAT) (.NET 4.5)
  • Service synchronization

Managing events

Handling Faults

  • Overview of service-level faults
  • Defining fault contracts
  • Handling exceptions at the client

Managing Security

  • Security concepts
  • Binding security
  • Specifying credentials
  • Obtaining security information
  • Application scenarios (intranet, Internet, B2B, anonymous clients)
  • Federated security and WIF 


  • Overview of WS-Discovery
  • Simple ad-hoc service discovery
  • Using scope when discovering endpoints
  • Service announcements


  • Overview of RoutingService
  • Hosting the RoutingService
  • Configuring the RoutingService with message filters
  • Content-based routing
  • Protocol bridging
  • Error handling
  • Multicast routing

Managing Transactions

  • The role of transactions in SOA
  • Implementing transactional operations
  • Transaction management and propagation

Queued Services

  • Brief Overview of queued services
  • MSMQ

RESTful Services (WCF and Web API)

  • Overview of REST
  • REST bindings in WCF
  • Web API RESTful services
  • Creating Controllers
  • Routing
  • Authorisation

Workflow Services

  • Role of WF in WCF
  • Creating and hosting a workflow service
  • Managing workflow instances remotely
  • Using workflow activities
  • Consuming Workflow Services


  • Shorter overview courses also available.
JBI training course London UK

Developers and Architects who need to realise the full potential of WCF within their .NET projects.

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"I found the course very interesting and the content was tailored to our company, to maximise the learning experience and help our day to day use. The trainer was passionate about the course and carried a good pace throughout the day."

TD, Program Analyst, WCF, February 2021

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK
Top 20 "Pain Points" for Data Analysts

Problem 11 : You have a very complex Excel spreadsheet and you want to reproduce EXACTLY the same spreadsheet in Power BI
Solution: Power BI is not Excel, it works differently and it has different strengths. In order to tackle this issue the best way is going back to the source and try to...

All 20 points are in our latest Newsletter - Delivered directly to your inbox

Our Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) training course  is expert-led focusing on creating web services utilising the many features available with WCF.  This course explores WCF to illustrate its flexibility allowing use of a range of protocols and security techniques.  The approach is to first create simple services and their clients before quickly moving on to support a wide range of features.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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