Expert-led training for your team

Oracle SQL Advanced training course

Gain Advanced Oracle SQL Skills - Get even more out of your Corporate Data

JBI training course London UK

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

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18/11/24 - 4 days
£1995 +VAT
06/01/25 - 4 days
£1995 +VAT

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JBI training course London UK

•    Using inline-views effectively (THEME:  this is the most useful tool for
   advanced SQL coding), using Oracle12C “lateral” approach
•    Using SELECT-anywhere techniques effectively (THEME: Performance)
•    Bringing grouped and scalar values together in the select line (THEME: powerful and simple approaches to achieve this goal)
•    Using Group By effectively (THEME: making effective grouped comparisons and filters
•    Review group by with Rollup, Cube and grouping sets (THEME: Performance)
•    Using Set operators effectively (THEME: bringing historic and current data together)
•    Using advanced techniques with scalar functions including regular expressions.  (THEME:  embedding functions,  postcode analysis)
•    Review Oracle date arithmetic, use of intervals and systimestamp
•    (optional) other Aggregate functions:  Oracle10G Median,  percentile, coalesce
•    Using Oracle Analytic Functions
•    Using case techniques in select/where/having/order by locations
•    Using WITH option to cut complexity and repetition
•    (optional) use of regular expressions
•    Case vs Decode  (simple vs complex formats)
•    Using Ansi Standard Joins  (emphasis on outer, Full Outer joins)
•    Joins and counting: getting it wrong and getting it right
•    Merge and Multi-Table insert  (THEME: data transformation)
•    Oracle9i Default keyword
•    Using sequences directly with primary key value builds,
•    Using Oracle12C identity datatype
•    Joins vs subqueries (THEME: how to choose,  when to use,  for performance)
•    (Optional) Connect By / Start with recursive searches including Oracle10G  Connect by root
•    Designing and using stored views effectively
•    Using case insensitive queries, building case insensitive indexes
•    Using Oracle10G regular expressions directly in SQL
•    Using Oracle10G DML Logging
•    Coding SQL to take advantage of flashback technology
•    Oracle11G and 12C new partition table features
•    Oracle11G and 12C new parallel features
•    Oracle12C new online techniques
•    Oracle12C invisible columns, and  Oracle12C in-database archiving (invisible rows)

       Other site-relevant techniques/approaches can usually be added on

This course provides  a series of progressive and thoughtful exercises to reinforce course teaching.  Exercises range  from Try-This-Now quick work to longer, more thoughtful  approaches. Typically, course content is organised so that for every hour of the course, delegates have an exercise to do


•    Using inline-views effectively (THEME:  this is the most useful tool for
   advanced SQL coding), using Oracle12C “lateral” approach
•    Using SELECT-anywhere techniques effectively (THEME: Performance)
•    Bringing grouped and scalar values together in the select line (THEME: powerful and simple approaches to achieve this goal)
•    Using Group By effectively (THEME: making effective grouped comparisons and filters
•    Review group by with Rollup, Cube and grouping sets (THEME: Performance)
•    Using Set operators effectively (THEME: bringing historic and current data together)
•    Using advanced techniques with scalar functions including regular expressions.  (THEME:  embedding functions,  postcode analysis)
•    Review Oracle date arithmetic, use of intervals and systimestamp
•    (optional) other Aggregate functions:  Oracle10G Median,  percentile, coalesce
•    Using Oracle Analytic Functions
•    Using case techniques in select/where/having/order by locations
•    Using WITH option to cut complexity and repetition
•    (optional) use of regular expressions
•    Case vs Decode  (simple vs complex formats)
•    Using Ansi Standard Joins  (emphasis on outer, Full Outer joins)
•    Joins and counting: getting it wrong and getting it right
•    Merge and Multi-Table insert  (THEME: data transformation)
•    Oracle9i Default keyword
•    Using sequences directly with primary key value builds,
•    Using Oracle12C identity datatype
•    Joins vs subqueries (THEME: how to choose,  when to use,  for performance)
•    (Optional) Connect By / Start with recursive searches including Oracle10G  Connect by root
•    Designing and using stored views effectively
•    Using case insensitive queries, building case insensitive indexes
•    Using Oracle10G regular expressions directly in SQL
•    Using Oracle10G DML Logging
•    Coding SQL to take advantage of flashback technology
•    Oracle11G and 12C new partition table features
•    Oracle11G and 12C new parallel features
•    Oracle12C new online techniques
•    Oracle12C invisible columns, and  Oracle12C in-database archiving (invisible rows)

       Other site-relevant techniques/approaches can usually be added on

This course provides a series of progressive and thoughtful exercises to reinforce course teaching.  Exercises range  from Try-This-Now quick work to longer, more thoughtful  approaches. Typically, course content is organised so that for every hour of the course, delegates have an exercise to do


JBI training course London UK

Experienced SQL coders from any job background.

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK
Top 20 "Pain Points" for Data Analysts

Problem 11 : You have a very complex Excel spreadsheet and you want to reproduce EXACTLY the same spreadsheet in Power BI
Solution: Power BI is not Excel, it works differently and it has different strengths. In order to tackle this issue the best way is going back to the source and try to...

All 20 points are in our latest Newsletter - Delivered directly to your inbox

There is a harder side to coding good SQL.  Basics can be learned very quickly, but it can take years to master more difficult aspects of SQL. Yet SQL coding underpins all of our Database work.  To be truly effective at SQL improves many aspects of our work in one go.

This course introduces advanced SQL commands up to and including release 12C, The course places a heavy emphasis on explaining the basic techniques and approaches to SQL coding that typically accompanies them.  OSQLP provides in depth coverage, plus many examples of more difficult types of SQL that can sometimes be needed to solve business problems effectively. 

Course Materials include larger take-away demos so that delegates can repeat and build on knowledge gained.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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JB International Training Ltd  -  Company number 08458005

Registered address Wohl Enterprise Hub 2B Redbourne Avenue London N3 2BS


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