Expert-led training for your team

DevOps Introduction training course

Gain comprehensive DevOps Skills - with AWS, Docker, Ansible and Terraform

JBI training course London UK

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

Public Courses

07/10/24 - 5 days
£2995 +VAT
18/11/24 - 5 days
£2995 +VAT
06/01/25 - 5 days
£2995 +VAT

Customised Courses

* Train a team
* Tailor content
* Flex dates
From £1200 / day
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JBI training course London UK

  • Gain an Introduction to AWS ( Amazon Web Services ) 
  • Familiarize yourself with DevOps and Cloud services
  • Acquire comprehensive DevOps Skills - with AWS, Docker, Ansible and Terraform
  • Install and work with Docker
  • Explore Ansible and how to install it
  • Gain an Introduction to Terraform and how to install 
  • Learn Terraform with AWS
  • Gain an Introduction to Devsecops 
  • Acquire developer and sysops practices experience
  • Utilise tools that have emerged as part of the DevOps tool chain

Introduction to DevOps

Introduction to AWS

  • Cloud Paradigm
  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Compute
  • Operations & Managed Services

Docker 1 - Installation of Docker

  • Installation on Ubuntu and Windows
  • Using Docker Machine for host provisioning
  • Docker Machine drivers for cloud providers

Container life cycle

  • Creating and running containers
  • Stopping and restarting
  • Investigating a container
  • Viewing the logs
  • Looking at processes
  • Removing a container and its data

Dockerizing applications

  • The hello world example
  • Interactive Bash container
  • Building an image by committing changes
  • Building an image from a Dockerfile
  • Automated builds based on GitHub
  • Running more than one process in a container
  • gosu helper tool
  • Running a webapp in a single container
  • Running a webapp in micro services architecture


Docker 2 - Managing images

  • Finding and downloading existing images
  • Docker Hub and local repository
  • Sharing images with others
  • Deploying a private image repository

Networking of containers

  • Port mapping
  • Container linking and naming
  • Creating and managing custom networks
  • Network over many Docker hosts

Data in containers

  • Data volumes
  • Host directories and files as data volume
  • Data volume containers
  • Data volumes shared between Docker Hosts
  • Backup and restore of data volumes


  • Introduce Ansible
  • Describe the terminology and architecture of Ansible.
  • Deploy Ansible
  • Install Ansible and run ad hoc commands.
  • Implement playbooks
  • Write Ansible plays and execute a playbook.
  • Manage variables and inclusions
  • Describe variable scope and precedence, manage variables and facts in a play, and manage inclusions.
  • Implement task control
  • Manage task control, handlers, and tags in Ansible playbooks.
  • Implement Jinja2 templates
  • Implement roles
  • Create and manage roles.
  • Configure complex playbooks

TerraforM 1

  • Introduction
  • Installation


  • AWS Setup
  • Instances
  • Variables
  • Software Provisioning
  • Attributes
  • Remote State
  • Data Sources

Terraform with AWS

  • Introduction  to VPCs
  • VPC and NAT
  • EC2 instances in VPC
  • Elastic Block Storage
  • Private static IPs, EIPs and DNS (Route53)
  • RDS
  • IAM    

Terraform 2

  • AutoScalling
  • Elastic Load Balancers and Application
  • Load Balancers in AWS

Introduction to DevSecOps

  • AWS Security
  • Securing Images
  • Patching Images
  • Monitoring AWS
  • Secure Deployments
  • Security & Dynamic Testing of Images


JBI training course London UK

IT Managers, Developers, Operations Staff, Network Administrators

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Our tailored course provided a well rounded introduction and also covered some intermediate level topics that we needed to know. Clive gave us some best practice ideas and tips to take away. Fast paced but the instructor never lost any of the delegates"

Brian Leek, Data Analyst, May 2022

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK
Top 20 "Pain Points" for Data Analysts

Problem 11 : You have a very complex Excel spreadsheet and you want to reproduce EXACTLY the same spreadsheet in Power BI
Solution: Power BI is not Excel, it works differently and it has different strengths. In order to tackle this issue the best way is going back to the source and try to...

All 20 points are in our latest Newsletter - Delivered directly to your inbox

Our DevOps training course / boot camp  is designed to give students from both the developer and sysops practices experience of a selection of the tools that have emerged as part of the DevOps tool chain. We focus on the idea of deploying large-scale complex systems in the  AWS cloud.

In 5 days the course covers the basics of virtualisation with Amazon Web Services, using AMI in the cloud, continuous integration  and continuous deployment systems, containerisation with Docker, configuration management using both Ansible and Terraform  along with  monitoring and maintenance.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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JB International Training Ltd  -  Company number 08458005

Registered address Wohl Enterprise Hub 2B Redbourne Avenue London N3 2BS


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