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XML Introduction training course

Learn XML And Apply It In Your Corporate Web Services, Data Storage And Transfer

JBI training course London UK

"Comprehensive coverage of all things XML and associated technologies - Pros/Cons. It demystified some topics which on first sight can look a bit cryptic. The trainer was very helpful and kept us engaged for the whole course."

MD, Senior Developer, XML, July 2021

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16/12/24 - 2 days
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JBI training course London UK

  • Use an XML editor to create files
  • Create and display graphical information
  • Turn your old HTML into fresh XHTML.
  • Add colour to XML with CSS stylesheet files
  • Search an inventory using XPath queries.
  • Manage a list of contact information
  • Produce PDF files from XML
  • Learn SAX Simple APIs for XML

Introduction to XML

  • What is XML?
  • XML document tags
  • Rules for naming XML terms
  • The XML document - elements, the hierarchical element structure
  • The XML document attributes - elements vs. attributes, entities, text
  • A well formed XML document
  • Namespaces

Using XML

  • XML in the Enterprise
  • XML over the web
  • XML architecture and design
  • Some XML applications (XHTML, SVG)

Validating XML documents - I

DTD - Document Type Definition

  • Using a DTD, a sample DTD
  • Definition of elements, attributes, entities

Validating XML documents - II

XML Schemas

  • Schema Grammar and vocabulary
  • Elements, schema, datatype, attribute type, group, description
  • Referring to a schema in an XML file
  • Converting DTD to schemas
  • Using namespace and open model

Styling and displaying XML
CSS Cascading Style Sheets

  • The History of CSS
  • Syntax
  • Selector by attribute (class, id)
  • Styles (units, colours, display/background, text, font, border, margin)
  • Styles (padding, classification, positioning)

Styling and transforming XML
XSL eXtensible Style Language

  • XSLT and FO
  • XSL capabilities
  • Templates
  • XSL style sheets
  • Matching elements by location Xpath
  • Matching attributes and ids
  • Testing for existence
  • Processing XSL and program flow
  • Repetition
  • XSL number and string functions
  • Node-set functions
  • Sample style sheets
  • Examples using formatting objects
  • Variables, white space
  • Importing style sheets

DOM Document Object Model


  • The XML DOM
  • A document tree
  • Accessing the DOM
  • The DOM Interfaces
  • Accessing nodes
  • Data types returned by DOM Methods
  • Adding nodes
  • Node interface, types, attributes, methods
  • The Character Data Interface
  • The element interface
  • Implementing DOM


Parsing XML

SAX Simple APIs for XML


  • SAX - how it works
  • How to parse an XML document
  • HandlerBase class
  • Element, text callbacks
  • DOM versus SAX
  • Parsing XML
  • SAX parser considerations
  • Java parsers


JBI training course London UK

Developers looking to discover the power and benefits of XML through hands-on practical application of the technology.

5 star

4.8 out of 5 average

"Comprehensive coverage of all things XML and associated technologies - Pros/Cons. It demystified some topics which on first sight can look a bit cryptic. The trainer was very helpful and kept us engaged for the whole course."

MD, Senior Developer, XML, July 2021

“JBI  did a great job of customizing their syllabus to suit our business  needs and also bringing our team up to speed on the current best practices. Our teams varied widely in terms of experience and  the Instructor handled this particularly well - very impressive”

Brian F, Team Lead, RBS, Data Analysis Course, 20 April 2022



JBI training course London UK
Top 20 "Pain Points" for Data Analysts

Problem 11 : You have a very complex Excel spreadsheet and you want to reproduce EXACTLY the same spreadsheet in Power BI
Solution: Power BI is not Excel, it works differently and it has different strengths. In order to tackle this issue the best way is going back to the source and try to...

All 20 points are in our latest Newsletter - Delivered directly to your inbox

The Comprehensive Introduction to XML Training Course provides an intensive hands-on introduction to developing real world XML based systems in a distributed environment. With XML playing and import role in the storage and  communication of data, for people who need to understand XML documents this course provides a good essential knowledge of the role and structure of XML documents.

+44 (0)20 8446 7555

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