29 November 2017
Agile development is a method of software development coined by a group of programmers in 2001. The official manifesto of Agile Software Development conveys agile development as a development method that understands that clients have changing needs, and suggests that developers work in a way that allows them to adapt to these changes. Agile development requires close collaboration with the client and values working software above vast amounts of documentation. With the constantly changing environment of the technology industry, many businesses are making the switch to agile development and are providing agile training courses for their employees, as this laissez faire approach allows for faster development that better meets customer needs, as opposed to the traditional structured approach.
The 12 Principles of Agile Development:
1. The main goal of the agile development method is to satisfy the customer. The best way to do this is to deliver the first working version of their desired software solution in the least amount of time. Customer feedback should then be taken on board in order to develop and deliver each new working solution in consistent iterations.
2. Agile developers should welcome changing requirements and efficiently alter their current solution to accommodate for the required changes. Doing so should gain a competitive advantage for their client.
3. Working software should be delivered to the client as frequently as possible, with a preference towards a shorter timescale.
4. Business people should be involved in the development of the software solution to ensure the product being developed will be simple and easy to use for regular office workers without a vast amount of technical experience.
5.Developers on the job should all be motivated and be provided the relevant environment and support to work to their fullest potential. There should be trust between developers on a team that their colleagues will complete the work that is given to them on time.
6. A face-to-face conversation will ensure information is passed to developers as efficiently and effectively as possible.
7. Progress is measured by the amount and quality of working software as opposed to the amount of documentation.
8. Agile development should be sustainable. This means that there should be a balance in the pace that the sponsors, developers and users will interact.
9. There must be close attention to detail and good design to enhance agility.
10. Simplicity is of the utmost importance. The amount of work should be minimised by finding the most efficient method.
11. The best work comes from self-organising teams.
12. Teams should schedule a time for reflection of their progress and suggestions for the future at regular intervals. This process is known as a structured walkthrough.
These principles have guided the software industry into a new era, changing the interactions between clients and developers from negotiations and replacing them with collaboration, whilst also leading to the creation of the Scrum software development framework. To learn more about Agile development, try one of the agile courses or Scrum training courses from JBI.
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