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Secure Coding Training | Anonymous

5 December 2017

Secure Coding Training | Anonymous

Anonymous is an international group of hacktivists, publicised as a result of various online publicity stunts and distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on a variety of governments and institutions. The group has a decentralised structure, with each of the members being loosely associated with each other, acting on ideas as opposed to directive from a central authority. With the growing prevalence of hacktivist groups like Anonymous, and other groups with even more malicious agendas, the necessity for developers to undergo secure coding training, which can be done through a secure coding course online or onsite, is essential.

Despite Anonymous only originating in 2003 on the website 4chan, the group only started to gain media attention in 2008 with Project Chanology, a series of protests, pranks and hacks targeting the Church of Scientology. The group was founded on the principle of anarchy and can be distinguished in public by wearing Guy Fawkes masks. Anonymous became more associated with collaborative activism as they began to take action against copyright-focused campaigns that advocate against online piracy. Many have used the Anonymous name to push a political agenda, targeting governments such as the U.S., Israel, Tunisia and Uganda. The group has also targeted ISIS, child pornography sites, copyright protection agencies, the Westboro Baptist Church, and corporations such as PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and Sony. Several group members have been arrested for their involvement in cyberattacks in the  U.S., UK, Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, India and Turkey. 

There a varying opinions of the group’s effectiveness in pushing their agenda, with supporters thinking of them as ‘freedom fighters’ and online ‘Robin Hoods’, while many critics describe them as cyber terrorists, and see their activities as being counterproductive or ineffective. With the vast amount of media attention that the group has earned themselves, many businesses and other institutions are enquiring about further security, which can be achieved by ensuring that they stay up-to-date with security measures and that their developers have had good quality secure coding training, through a secure coding training course online or elsewhere. Some security experts don’t think of Anonymous as such a big threat, as their attacks rely mainly on DDoS, and only result in temporary damage. Furthermore, many supporters are leaving the group because of the lack of structure and unclear operations.

To find out more information about secure coding courses in London UK, visit JBI.


For more more information about our range of courses: 

    - Secure coding for Java and Javascript

    - Secure coding in ASP.NET

    - Secure coding in PHP


About the author: gRAHAM Smith
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